I am Journalist , Cartoonist , Movie Maker.

I have  represented to Chitralekha for 13 years , E tv Gujarati Channel for 3   years   6   months , and as a Guiest Writer contributed in so many News Papers , Magazine , Channel – like Gujarat Samachar , Sandesh , Zee , Gurjari , and some Few more.

Now a Days WE published our own

fortnightly Magazine – AGRADOOT

[ Visit :: www.agradoot.net ]

Ailesh Shukla

9/10 , Toran Appartments , Near Godavari Flats , Mahalaxami mandir marg , Anand mahal Road , Adajan,  SURAT – 395009. Gujarat State , INDIA.

Phone No : 0261 - 2735455

Mo.No : 09998753239

Mo. Office No : 8511153235




Worked  as  FREELANCE  JOURNALIST  and  PRESS  PHOTOGRAPHER  with so  many  print  media  which  are  as  below.

#   CHITRALEKHA – Weekly…….. From  JULY `91  to  2001.

#   NAVGUJARAT TIMES – Daily… Since  OCT. `95   to  2000.

#   SANDESH  –  daily  News Paper ………..As Per STORY.

#   NETWORK  –  Weekly…………….As per Special  STORIES  IN  1996.

#   ABHIYAAN –  Weekly…………..In  1990.

#   UTSAV  –  Monthly  ………………..In  1991.

#   GUJRATMITRA  –  Daily……..As  per  STORY.

#   DIAMOND  DIGEST  – Monthly…….As  per  STORIES.

#   Indian Architect &  BUILDER………….As  per  STORY

#   Navnirmaan – Eveninger ……… 4 Months – May – 2005 To August -2005.

#   Surat News Magazine – Compile & Edit  in Diwali 2005 & 4 Issues. ( SMC Magazine )

#   And  for  many  others  small  MAGAZINES  and  NEWS PAPERS.

#  Also work with local Channel ” EYE Witness ” as  INTERVIEWER and JOURNALIST.

#  My cotributions to    E tv  Channel – Gujarati as a Specials Correspondente  and  Video  Grapher from  

15 – November  –  2001  to  July – 2004.

(  I  have  a  Sony’s  HXR-MC 2500  Digital  Proffessional HD Video Camera  &  Panasonic’s MD 10 = Proffessional , Mini DV , 3 CCD Video Camera  )

#  My Personal Web Magazine  http://www.sharpnews.com  was maintain by me for  4 years.  ( From 13-March-2000 to 13-March-2004 )

#  My  main  contribution  was  in  CHITRALEKHA  and  NAVGUJARAT  TIMES  and in SANDESH   Daily  News Paper.

#  In  CHITRALEKHA,  more then 200  Reports, News Stories, Supplementary Informations  are  published  with  Photographes.

#  In  NAVGUJARAT TIMES, Published  SPECIAL  STORIES,  COVER  STORIES, NEWS   ITEMS  and  also  DAILY  COLUMN    ” ITIHAAS  NE  PANE ” on Editor’s  page  for  530  Days.


( RNI No. GUJGUJ/2013/49307 )

[ Visit :: http://www.agradoot.net ]

I  own a   personal  Library consisting  of  Reference Books, Cuttings  and  Important   Matters  relating  to  the  PRESS MEDIA

From Year 2005 , I  am  Making  Documentary , AD Films , Corporate Movie , Profile  &  Video Albums. I  have Produce  130 +  Productions . Such as  Documentaries ,  5  Video Albums ,  3  Ads  &  So  many  Events  Programmns. ( Achievements up to Till Date )

I  think  it is  enough  for my  Acquaintance.